Rome 2 Dei Guide
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Rome 2 Dei Guide: How to Conquer the Ancient World with Divine Enhancements
If you are a fan of the Total War series and especially Rome 2, you might have heard of the DeI mod. DeI stands for Divide et Impera, which means \"Divide and Conquer\" in Latin. This mod aims to overhaul the game and make it more realistic, immersive and challenging. It adds new features such as population, supply, seasons, reforms, traits, cultures and more. It also changes the balance and mechanics of battles, campaigns, diplomacy and factions.
But how do you play DeI and what are the best strategies to succeed in this mod In this Rome 2 DeI guide, we will give you some tips and tricks to help you dominate the ancient world with divine enhancements. Whether you want to play as Rome, Carthage, Egypt, Macedon or any other faction, this guide will help you get started and master the mod.
Choose Your Faction Wisely
One of the first things you need to do in DeI is to choose your faction. There are over 40 playable factions in the mod, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, units, cultures and objectives. Some factions are easier to play than others, depending on your playstyle and preferences. For example, if you like to expand quickly and have a strong economy, Rome might be a good choice. If you prefer to have a diverse roster of units and a naval advantage, Carthage might suit you better. If you want to have a powerful phalanx and a rich culture, Macedon might be your best bet.
However, you also need to consider the challenges and threats that each faction faces. For example, Rome has to deal with civil wars, barbarian invasions and rival powers such as Carthage and the Seleucid Empire. Carthage has to face Rome, Numidia, Egypt and rebellious mercenaries. Macedon has to contend with Rome, the Ptolemaic Kingdom, the Antigonid Kingdom and various Greek city-states.
Therefore, before you choose your faction, make sure you read their description and objectives in the game. You can also check out some guides and videos online to get a better idea of how each faction plays. You can also try out different factions in custom battles or sandbox mode to see which one suits you best.
Manage Your Population and Supply
Two of the most important features in DeI are population and supply. Population affects your recruitment, replenishment, public order and income. Supply affects your army's morale, attrition and upkeep. Both of these features require careful management and planning.
Population is divided into four classes: nobles, citizens, freemen and slaves. Each class has its own benefits and drawbacks. Nobles provide tax income, research rate and elite units. Citizens provide trade income, public order and medium units. Freemen provide food production, manpower and light units. Slaves provide cheap labor, construction cost reduction and squalor.
You can see your population breakdown in each province by hovering over the population icon on the campaign map. You can also see how much population growth you have per turn and how much population you need to recruit certain units. You can increase your population by building farms, temples, aqueducts and other buildings that boost growth. You can also migrate population from one province to another by using the \"Migrate Pop\" button in the province details panel.
Supply is determined by your army's size, type and location. Larger armies consume more supply than smaller ones. Cavalry units consume more supply than infantry units. Armies in enemy or barren territory consume more supply than armies in friendly or fertile territory. You can see your army's supply level by hovering over the supply icon on the campaign map or by opening the army details panel.
You can increase your supply by building supply depots, granaries, ports and other buildings that boost supply. You can also use agents such as spies or dignitaries to raid enemy supply lines or increase your own supply lines. You can also use generals' skills or traits that improve supply management.
If your army runs out of supply, it will suffer from attrition damage every turn. It will also have lower morale in battles and higher upkeep costs. Therefore, you need to keep an eye on your supply level and avoid overextending your armies. ec8f644aee